Friday, October 21, 2011

A Letter

Dear Noon ,
Long time no news from you .. hope you  are okay .
I'm doing great with the university , I faced some problems in getting used to university life style , But you know me Life is goes on :D .,. I was very confused in the beginning , I didn't expect it in this way !  we get alot of assignments which  take for ever to finish it o.O (only in architecture six hours of works are like nothing at all !! ) . but I'm okay with that , I got A twice :-) ..
I'm in hate with two things in our study : the stool -.-" and T-square , SERIOUSLY I have a personal problem with using and carrying it !! .. except that every thing is great ! friendly people , nice teachers and good food :D .
You didn't see me in skirt xD !! first day I was walking like a duck ! but now I look so girlie ;) ..
I miss u so much :( .. call me soon .
with love ......


Safaa babikir 

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