Friday, October 21, 2011

A Letter

Dear Noon ,
Long time no news from you .. hope you  are okay .
I'm doing great with the university , I faced some problems in getting used to university life style , But you know me Life is goes on :D .,. I was very confused in the beginning , I didn't expect it in this way !  we get alot of assignments which  take for ever to finish it o.O (only in architecture six hours of works are like nothing at all !! ) . but I'm okay with that , I got A twice :-) ..
I'm in hate with two things in our study : the stool -.-" and T-square , SERIOUSLY I have a personal problem with using and carrying it !! .. except that every thing is great ! friendly people , nice teachers and good food :D .
You didn't see me in skirt xD !! first day I was walking like a duck ! but now I look so girlie ;) ..
I miss u so much :( .. call me soon .
with love ......


Safaa babikir 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Impression Of The University

Dear Rayan :

As you know , we’ve started university a month ago , and I know you’ve been waiting  to know my impression about it.
Well , before we start , I didn’t really know what to expect , I knew it was going to be different but still I was excided , I’ve been accepted to the university I wanted and I study architecture, it’s exactly what I wanted since I was little , so I knew I was going to love it.
I was right , when we actually began to study , I felt that I’m in the right place , although a lot of people tell me that it’s going to be harder and  I am going to suffer with all the work and stress , but I’m convinced that nothing  comes easily so I’ll have to enjoy every single moment and feel blessed that my dream came true.
I also like the fact that all the people are very welcoming and we have such a great community ,my classmates treat each other like they’ve known them for a long time, I three of my best friends studying with me so that’s what makes it greater.
The only thing that I’m not quite getting used to are the monkeys !! I’ve been chased by one so it’s kind of difficult to accept the fact that they’re always going to be there , I’ll just keep hoping that I won’t get bitten .

Yours truly,
Hanaa A.Rahman Ali Karrar   


Dear dina :
       I know that I was supposed to e-mail you sooner but I faced some difficulties , university wasn’t like what I expected.
At the first assignments my degrees weren’t so good , I was really confused .. Maybe afraid , I was saying to myself maybe am on the wrong way! What if I don’t belong here!! And by the way all that was in the 1st week! , I cried .. Some nice seniors came to me and say that they felt the same way at first and getting low degrees doesn’t mean I’ll be a bad architect!!. Those words made me think again , it has been 3 years since I decided to be an architect and I shouldn’t give it up in 3 days! I must be patient and give the faculty a chance , PLUS am so lucky because I already have 3 of my best friends here with me and I like the people here .
Days past so fast after that , now it has been a month and am so happy! .

                                                      Yours truly
                                                                 Azza S.M.