Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Review about a Book/Film - The Da vinci code ..

It seems you can't read a book or watch a movie of Dan Brown without including  provoking some kind of culture war skirmish. (Angles and demons) , (The Da vinci code) and (the lost symbol) suggests such a controversy especially that religion is involved. 

The Da vinci code is one of the best selling book ever (2003) and a movie later (2006). the story of the film started off Louver museum- Paris when the Louver curator and Jacques Saunière are murdered one night at the museum by a man who is working behind unknown person called "the teacher" who is looking for the (Keystone). The police summon Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks as an american scientist, Harvard professor) who is in the town for business. Langdon discovers that Saunière had left a cryptic messages and cods in his own blood, in his whole body during the final minutes of his life. Langdon tries to explain these cods to the police and fache which leads him to find a series of codes and secrets of religious people. 

Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou as a french police) shows up suddenly and meets Langdon secretly explaining to him that she is Saunière's estranged grandaughter and the police thinks Langdon is the murder!!. from that Langdon and Sophie begins the adventure of  investigate and take off the mystery of all over. The film ends of them finding the secret code in Da vinci's paint "the last diner" and finding the "Keystone". 

Da vinci code is  is one of the few screen versions of a book that may take longer to watch than to read, there are alot of  things which I couldn't understand and it is really hard to tell which part are about real thing. the argument of the both movie and book still going and It had been blocked in many countries that It include the relationship between Jesus and Mary and athor stuff of christianity.It's really confusing and raise up alot of question : Is Da vinci code for real? Is it dangerous? and what'sup with Tom Hank's hair? .. I hope someday I'd figure that out.

Safaa Babikir 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

>|||< MoNKeYS RULe !!! @_@

      Since I was little and till now, I like animals so much BUT! Only on T.V. or photos or something!! .
            When I told one of my cousins that I was accepted in faculty of Architecture (U OF K.) she said: ‘Azza, honey, you should know that there’s real monkeys in your faculty!’
I actually thought that I might see one or two from time to time, Guess what! A tribe of monkeys are living in my college O.o !!
First time I saw them, I actually didn’t believe that it’s happening! .. they ‘do’ live here! , but now after three months I guess I got used to them.
 Just like most of normal girls in the college , when I see a monkey staring at me I simply give up and drop any juice , food ,fruit and anything else can make a monkey ‘thinks’ of coming closer @_@ !!
If I am sitting in a place and monkeys came , I leave the place for them .. Yes as simple as that !!
           I remember that time when we were coming from the cafeteria to our college and we were holding juices, we reached the gate and I said: ’wait! MONKEYS REMEMBER!’  they said: ‘we are not afraid of monkeys any more , they should be afraid of us Azza!!’  , I was like: ‘come on!! you know well that they don’t !!’ , they said: ‘well , the lecture has already started so move your feet young lady! Let’s go!! .
They went , I stayed .. and  just the moment they entered the college (monkeys lines!!) a monkey stared at them and was like READY , STEADY GOOO!! and when I said: ‘TOLD YAAA!!’  they didn’t hear me cause they were too busy running and screaming J
        Monkeys rule! And we –girls- have absolutely nothing to do but surrender L .
But if you looked at the bright side , we have a lot of funny stories about monkeys :D , yes some good memories J.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

U Of K Monkeys!

When you say faculty of architecture (u of k ) automatically jump in our minds MONKEYS!!. The fact says  "the numbers of monkeys in our college is more than the numbers of males!" is hurts indeed. they are practically living with us and eating our food. 

  we "girls" are the poor victim of the monkeys.. when a hungry monkey come forward you with that fatally look   , you have no choice but run for your life and throwing the food or the drink you are holding!! since the first day the ( scream, throw and run ) series have started off. one day while me and my friend Omnia are eating our sandwiches in peace  a savage monkey appear so we ran upstairs .. the moment we arrived, another huge monkey show up! before I realized what to do, I saw Omnia's sandwich flying on air the and she disappeared.. at least she didn't scream.  

honestly those guys came up with a funny drama to our university life! .. they are around in every birthday -making sure they wouldn't miss the cake , every open day.. which remind me when my little brother (7 yearsold) chased the monkeys in some open day!! yeah he is braver than me , or simply monkey don't go for boys for some reason. 

Safaa Babikir